martes, 13 de abril de 2010

Why can’t Colombia be parter of the globalization?

Colombia is not a parter of globalization and will never be a parter of globalization because Colombia has always been a part of the third world countries and that means that Colombia is not economically disposed to be a leader in globalization and either in the world the way united states and china does.
The leaders of globalization has always been U.S, Canada, China, France to mention ones because they have a culture and an economic force greater that the one of the third world countires like Colombia. They also have a powerful political system and the economic development of such countries is amazing and so much better than the one we have here in Colombia.
The basic role that Colombia can accept in the modern globalization is to allow the first world countries to explote our natural resources.
Colombia is just a country that already assumed the role in this phenomenon and is is definitely not the best that we could afford.

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