lunes, 14 de junio de 2010

Is mockus able to win the elections?

According to general results, Juan Manuel Santos has 66.5 % of winning the elections on June 20.
This is due to the fact that most of the Colombian people is going to vote for Santos in June 20. Caracol, RCN, and the most important newspapers made a test to see who will vote for Santos and who for Mockus; this test results were basically Santos 66.5% and Mockus 27.4% Including the annuls and the people who doesn’t vote that will be a 62% of the population.
The 86% of people who voted the last 30 for Vargas is now decided to vote for Santos and only 20% of people who voted for Vargas is now voting for Mockus. In the case of Petro only 22% of the people who voted for him in May 30 is now voting for Santos but 66% of people is voting for Mockus. In the case of Pardo and Noemi more than 50% of the people is decided to vote for Santos and less than 30% is voting for Mockus.
In the result for all of that we could see that Santos has more than 70% of the population voting for him on June 20 and Mockus Has less than 30% of the population voting for him. So in conclusion Mockus has no chance of winning the elections.
Diana Alfonso, Manuela Navas. 7a

martes, 13 de abril de 2010

Why can’t Colombia be parter of the globalization?

Colombia is not a parter of globalization and will never be a parter of globalization because Colombia has always been a part of the third world countries and that means that Colombia is not economically disposed to be a leader in globalization and either in the world the way united states and china does.
The leaders of globalization has always been U.S, Canada, China, France to mention ones because they have a culture and an economic force greater that the one of the third world countires like Colombia. They also have a powerful political system and the economic development of such countries is amazing and so much better than the one we have here in Colombia.
The basic role that Colombia can accept in the modern globalization is to allow the first world countries to explote our natural resources.
Colombia is just a country that already assumed the role in this phenomenon and is is definitely not the best that we could afford.

Essay 100 words.

the meaning of history is what we reffer to the science in al its forms, history shows us past events by which we can form a sequence that is basicly the history of the world. history has existed from a long time ago and it will never end because this world and this society is always changing so every single day we have something new to care about something different like some new war or a new universal law...

finally history is just a way to show how we have all evolved and history helps us and will always help us to show how human have changed during time.

martes, 30 de marzo de 2010

does history realy exists?

History does not exist in the world because we are suspended in the past, we haven’t been able to evolute in the way of thinking and in the way of acting. Man still think they are the owners of the world and that they can colonize everything that they want and until that isn’t fixed out the world will be the same. People hasn’t been able to change their way of thinking and their way of acting, they still consider women are slaves that they are only useful to clean the house and to raise the children and that is not true and even if women have adquired some rights there are still grounded to the past world.

viernes, 26 de febrero de 2010


Is Globalization a modern historical movement or the world has always tended to being globalized, to the extent of disrupting settled and ancient cultures just for the sake of making a buck?
The world has always tended to being globalized not only for money but to get more power, to be bigger in territory, and to be the only one to own that territory. The world has being recognized for his passion for gobernation and this passion are complemented with the fact that people have the need have power.
With the globalization they are always getting it. The world has always been tended to be globalized and to globalize them selves. Power is likely the most important thing to human, everything in life is based on power and globalization is one of the greatest things to get power.

viernes, 5 de febrero de 2010

is globalization the new colonization of the modern era?

What the anti-globalization people say as they feel that Globalization is another form of Colonialism. Their fear might be true because colonialism was a phenomenon exhibited by the big powers of the world to gain others territory on the might of power and establish their monopoly over the world.

The freedom of the colonization was not the same as the one in the globalization like the fact that in the globalization freedom didn't existed it was more like an opression.With the globalization there was no negociation for any kind of power or law. Also with globalization mayor players with economic powers.