lunes, 14 de junio de 2010

Is mockus able to win the elections?

According to general results, Juan Manuel Santos has 66.5 % of winning the elections on June 20.
This is due to the fact that most of the Colombian people is going to vote for Santos in June 20. Caracol, RCN, and the most important newspapers made a test to see who will vote for Santos and who for Mockus; this test results were basically Santos 66.5% and Mockus 27.4% Including the annuls and the people who doesn’t vote that will be a 62% of the population.
The 86% of people who voted the last 30 for Vargas is now decided to vote for Santos and only 20% of people who voted for Vargas is now voting for Mockus. In the case of Petro only 22% of the people who voted for him in May 30 is now voting for Santos but 66% of people is voting for Mockus. In the case of Pardo and Noemi more than 50% of the people is decided to vote for Santos and less than 30% is voting for Mockus.
In the result for all of that we could see that Santos has more than 70% of the population voting for him on June 20 and Mockus Has less than 30% of the population voting for him. So in conclusion Mockus has no chance of winning the elections.
Diana Alfonso, Manuela Navas. 7a